You can cancel your order, & request a refund within 24 hours of your purchased item from In that case your full amount will be credited to you. In case 24 hours exceeds, your cancellation request will not be accepted. For orders that are in transit, cannot be cancelled or refunded.
You can request the cancellation by simply sending us an email with a subject line of cancellation at [email protected] Once inspected by our warehouse team the same amount will be refund and a confirmation email will be sent to you. Please note:
- You must email us with the same email address you entered during checkout.
- Further, you must provide your full name and a screenshot of order confirmation email you received when you placed your order.
- The final amount entitled to be refunded after cancellation will not include the discounted coupon amount. You will only get the refund for the amount that you have paid. Additionally, you will be allowed to use only one coupon at a given time of placing order. More than one coupon used in the same order will not be entertained and only one coupon will be considered of your choice.
The company give customers the option to exchange the product with another item from the store within 24 hours of purchase. You can simply contact with the customer care department, through [email protected] , or you can also contact us through our social media page like Facebook. Our team is available for your assistance 24/7.
- Address: 32 W.28th Street, Sixth Floor New York NY10010 UNITED STATE
Email: [email protected]